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Fusteira First Vendro Fair Pic_edited.jpg


Gilliane and Victor, are a husband and wife team based out of Central California.  They love to go out on adventures in nature with their pup Tala, and discover new food spots everywhere they go. 

Victor is a musician who has always loved making wooden pieces for the house and music studio on his spare time, and Gilliane is an artist known for her line work and geometric patterns. 

They had been thinking about the idea of starting their small woodworking business for a while, but either because of lack of time or pure procrastination they kept putting it off.  Then 2020 happened! They found themselves with a lot of free time and decided it was the time to bring their idea to life. They packed all their stuff, moved three hours north of Los Angeles to a small town near Fresno, and set up their wood shop.  That’s how Fusteira was born; a small family based business that strives to bring people together with well thought out designs and personalized wooden pieces. 


We are very excited to get to know you!




: a combination of two words in two different languages; fusta which is Catalan and madeira which is Galician, both words mean wood.

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